Research-based art >> Conference 2012 >> Conference Organization |
Conference Organization |
The Heinrich Boell Foundation (Schleswig-Holstein) and Heinrich Boell Foundation (Federal) are the organizers of the conference.
Heinrich Boell Foundation (Schleswig-Holstein) http://www.boell-sh.de/
Heinrich Boell Foundation (Federal) http://www.boell.de/
Furthermore the conference is part of the EU / ALF-project "art-based research / research-based art", held under the aegis of the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in Kiel and the Heinrich Boell Foundation Schleswig-Holstein, in partnership with Interface / University of Ulster (Belfast, UK), the International Academy of Art Palestine (Ramallah, Palestinian
Territories), the Maumaus Escola de Artes Visuais (Lisbon, Portugal), 98 Weeks (Beirut, Libanon, 5533 (Istanbul, Turkey), Boell Foundation Berlin, Beirut and Ramallah, Goethe-Institute Beirut. |
Conference Center of Heinrich-Boell-Foundation
Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin, Germany